The 2022 Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations outline a public health… The Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations outline a public health response… Key populations (men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sex workers, trans and gender diverse people and people in prisons) are at increased… The color of each state on the U.S. maps indicates how the state ranks relative to other states for each measure. Because 51 states were ranked for each measure, the middle quintile was assigned to 11 states, and the remaining quintiles were assigned 10 states each.
Policy brief: Consolidated guidelines on HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention, diagnosis, treatment…
All of the tables can be downloaded in a zip file which contains both an html and PDF file containing every table. Alternatively, users can open the clickable Table of Contents to go to a particular section. Click on “PE” to get to a population estimate or percentage table, and “SE” to get a standard error table.
- Because we calculated past year as well as lifetime estimates, others can use either, depending on which best fits their needs.
- The meta-analysis method developed by Rao et al [14] adds a between-studies variance term in deriving an overall estimate.
- In this manuscript, we present a novel multiplier approach to estimate the number of PWID in the United States.
- Out with the dark alley, fear and shame, they say, in with a safe space, clean injection supplies, care and compassion.
- Access to prevention services is essential for all persons who inject drugs, who are at greater risk for Viral Hepatitis, HIV, and other infections.
- Identification of IDUs is crucial – both to determine clinical risk and to minimise the risk of unexpected withdrawal.
Supplementary Data
In a study published in Lancet, Milloy and other researchers found that the fatal overdose rate sharply decreased in and around the immediate area of the site. Estimating the population proportion of PWID allowed calculation of rates of HIV and HCV infection, which quantifies the disproportionate impact among PWID nationally. Trends from population-based surveys will be monitored as part of CDC’s behavioral surveillance analyses and the meta-analysis can be updated as new data emerge. For HIV infection, rates can be calculated on an annual basis with the most recent surveillance data. Other disease metrics can be used to calculate rates, such as HIV incidence [1] or national HIV prevalence estimates [2], which include persons with undiagnosed HIV infection.
National Survey on Drug Use and HealthNational Maps ofPrevalence Estimates, by State
- Five reports identified in Phase 1 were excluded and 2 national surveys were included from the manual search for a total of 4 surveys used in meta-analysis (Figure 1).
- Notwithstanding data input limitations, this updated estimate provides a data point for monitoring the US PWID population size over time and can inform strategies to reduce transmission of infectious diseases.
- All of the tables can be downloaded in a zip file which contains both an html and PDF file containing every table.
- 2021 NSDUH report includes selected estimates by race, ethnicity, and age and is the most comprehensive key findings report to date.
- “We’re also mindful that this is a respite from the street and at times it might be difficult for people to leave the only situation that feels vaguely safe for them in a day.”
We multiplied this ratio by the number of injection-involved overdose deaths from step 1 to estimate the number of nonfatal overdose events within each stratum for 2018 (step 3). The front page of features the most noteworthy drug abuse data, including overdose deaths, demographics, mental health, drug abuse treatment programs, and the cost of the War on Drugs. The estimate of the number of PWID (lifetime and past year) in the U.S. and quantifying the burden of disease and disparities among PWID can be particularly important for planning and evaluating programs serving disproportionately affected populations and addressing health inequities at the national level. The estimate of the number of PWID in the U.S. and resulting rates are important additions to cost effectiveness and other data used to make critical decisions about resources for prevention of HIV and HCV infections. The estimation method presented here (meta-analysis results of ongoing, national survey data) represents one method, as our expert consultants recognized, for estimating the size of the PWID population in the United States.
We divided the number of nonfatal overdose events by the proportion of PWID that reported a nonfatal overdose in the past year to estimate the number of PWID within each stratum. We collapsed across strata to estimate the number of PWID overall iv drug use and by each single stratification. Using population denominators from the 2018 NCHS Bridged-Race Population Estimates, we estimated the percent of adults 18+ years of age that injected drugs in 2018 overall and by demographic groups [38].
Drug Abuse Among Age Groups
Our HCV infection prevalence rate among PWID aged 40–65 years was 43,126 per 100,000 population, reflecting the substantial impact of injection drug use on acquiring HCV infection. The HCV infection prevalence we found (43.1%) was similar to a previous NHANES estimate of 48% [4]; the higher NHANES prevalence may be due to the inclusion of PWID in a broader age range than our estimate. The prevalence estimate points to the importance of national efforts to raise awareness of HCV testing among persons who have injected drugs [25]. In an era of improved treatment, it is also important that those who are infected are linked to appropriate care [11]. CDC recommends integrated prevention services for PWID, which address risk for HIV and HCV infections and are expected to result in increased access to services, improved timeliness of service delivery, and increased effectiveness of prevention efforts [26].
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Releases
- In recent years, political will has been building to eliminate HCV and HIV infections in the United States [27, 28].
- Recently, CDC used meta-analysis to estimate the proportion of the U.S. population who are men who have sex with men (MSM) and quantify the burden of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases among MSM [12].
- All were national probability surveys designed to make inference to the U.S. household-based population, and collected self-reported data on injection drug use.
- In 2010, PWID comprised 22% of adults and adolescents living with HIV infection in the United States [2].
- The population proportions of PWID in the age group 18–24 years were applied to the population aged 13–24 years and the population proportions of PWID in the age group 50–64 years were applied to the population aged 50 years or older.